09 May 2008


i think i'm finally starting to show. this realization came after a not so delightful encounter with the gardener at my day job.

she says, 'so erica, you starting to show?'
and i'm like, 'nah, not really'
and she's all, 'oh, so that pooch is just from eating too much food? HAHAHHHAAAHHAHAAA!!'

i about cut her head off. i'm sorry but NO ONE at ANYTIME should talk about a pregnant woman's body unless she starts the conversation. or unless you tell her she is radiant. this is another item that needs to be added to the 'annoying things stupid people do' list from earlier.

so anyway, talked to the sis & the hubby about it and i did some examining in the mirror, tried to suck in & it only went so far....so yeah ok, i'm finally showing. a teeny bit. which is fine by me cuz i'd rather show where i'm supposed to then just be fat all over (which is mostly how i feel). we're going to start taking pics so stay tuned.

so with the arrival of my tiny pooch and the fact that i'm not knock-down, drag-out ill anymore, i decided i've gotta make a fitness goal for myself. eating pizza and chili dogs will only be forgiving to my figure so long. also, i haven't really moved consistantly since week 7 and now i'm WEEK 11 and i'm starting to get wide.

new goal: 3 miles a day. brisk walking, stretching and then abdominal work on the back till 20 weeks and upright after that.

it's kinda nice to have a health goal that doesn't involve fitting into an old pair of jeans. it's purely for health reasons. ok, and then maybe, in hopes to fit into my old pair of jeans SOMEDAY after the baby is here. i am a woman!

oh! and we finally sold our car. HALLE-FREAKIN-LUJAH!!! not only will we get money back from paying it off but pocket aroung $350 month! booyah!

*what i'm buying with all of my moolah*


Lisa said...

erica - i have an idea for you. i wish i had done this with this pregnancy. do not tell anyone your estimated due date. tell them your 42-week point. then you will avoid the "when are you going to have your baby?" questions when you're 1 (!) day past your due date ... or one week - the baby is NOT LATE!

i'm excited for you!

e.r.richards said...

nice idea! too bad i've already told those most important to me the due date. but what i tell them is i'm expecting a december baby. 40 weeks never really means anything.

congrats to you!!

B said...

Strangers that touch pregnant women scare me. A lot of people scare me. People that draw their eyebrows on with a pencil scare me. I am sure you are barely showing. Wideload my ass. And Lisa is totally right about the due date theory. I think after you have this baby you and I could write a pregnancy etiquette book.

e.r.richards said...

OH B!! bring it on. i am not kidding at all. and we could have my sister edit/review, even add to it because her stories are killer. hmmm...