23 April 2008

making a baby & stuff

had the 1st visit with the midwife on monday. it was great. she's such a delight and she's super low-key which is exactly what i need.

i am the type that if i could move to sweden, be seen by a midwife only a handful of times, maybe get my blood drawn if they saw anything suspicious in my urine, maybe get a pelvic exam if they saw any warning signs, be left alone till i had my baby at home, i would be in heaven. ACOG has really made it hard for this to be, here in the US because they are so medicalized and so 'cautious' that everything requires testing. blaahh.

so yeah, j. was with me & he was great (of course!) and agreed with s. (the midwife) that i was perfect when she checked my blood pressure and it was 170/20 (?) i think that's right.

now onto designing clothes for me and cool (non-pastel) things for baby. j. and i are going to work on a baby quilt. not a hokey plaid & sunflower quilt but a nice one with no baby blue or pink but colors that i would actually be able to tolerate if there were not an adorable child wrapped in it. what would your ideal baby quilt colors be?


aslage said...

brown, peach and white

e.r.richards said...

ooh good call, aids.

Keri said...

Coffee brown and turquoise.

e. rene said...

YES! YES! YES! thanks for the ideas ladies.