05 February 2009

it has begun

so the little girl (now almost 10 weeks old) has started throwing fits. these aren't like 'i'm hungry, i haven't eaten in three hours' fits (although those are in abundance) these are the ones where she's perfectly happy as hell and then i set her down on the bed so i can get dressed-sue me- and watch out, sister christian, if she had fightin' words, we'd hear 'em.

she's laughing and smiling and holding her head up. nothing too remarkable yet. but i think i'm starting to fall in love. yes, yes, it didn't happen right away for me. i mean she was amazing and all that, but for the first month they are just so high needs and have virtually no personality so it's refreshing to feel as though she's responding to me. she's a spittin' image of her daddy, minus the big 'ol lips (she has dainty lips like her mommy) and she hates tummy time.
she might have red hair...we'll see...


brittany said...

Holy hell, and update. ;) Good to finally see a pic. Did you get my email with our address?

Keri said...

so glad you finally wrote. thinking of you all the time and loving to see photos. love you tons.